
Past Years Sprint Car Racing - Shayle Bade Racing

Shayle Bades News Broadcast 7/31/14

Shayle Bade's News Broadcast 7/31/14

Shayle Bade is pursuing her dreams on her way to NASCAR. She has been racing for 14 years, this is her second season in a sprint car. A local News station came out to tell her story.

Shayle Bade First Female to win an A Feature in the Sprint Car Division at Eagle Raceway

Shayle Bade First Female to win an A Feature in the Sprint Car Division at Eagle Raceway

Shayle Bade winning at her home track at Eagle Raceway Worlds Fastest 1/3 mile. Bade was the first female to win a A-main in a Sprint Division at Eagle. 8-23-14 Shayle has been in a car since she was 8 years old and pursuing a HUGE dream to make it to NASCAR.

Shayle Bade 2013 Racing Season Highlight

Shayle Bade 2013 Racing Season Highlight

Thank you everyone who has made out 2013 season so great!!!

Season Stats

  • Events-
  • Wins-
  • Top 5-
  • Top 10-

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